Saturday, November 19, 2011

Still here...

For those wondering; we are still here. The recent trip home was a blast, as evidenced through the apple pictures. The family completely spoiled us during our Christmas in October with many lavish gifts. It is better to give than to receive, so I can't imagine how much they enjoyed it, I'm just glad we were able to be a blessing :-)

Watching God slowly increase demands on our time and responsibilities has been awesome. It is so assuring to see how He leads if we will take a back seat and concentrate on seeking Him. We are now deeply involved in Couples Class, Deaf Ministry, and Bus at Southwest and are finding it healthily challenging. I believe my greatest struggle comes from trying to cope with the "pressure"; after mucking around God lovingly reminds me that I am not called to cope with it, but to know Him. Isn't He.

We are enjoying Oklahoma's autumnal November and even sweeping old roof shingles off our porch is pallatable in the coolness. There is a cat in our no pet building and I have a mighty suspicion that I know who. The apartment is going to do a search of our building and I am typically grateful of the lack of rights renters possess. In other random news I thought up a way to feel okay about the social security money that comes out of our paychecks, it is the tax I pay to live in America (not the one that funds the government, it's like the price you pay to be able to shop at Sam's Club).

Recently we won third place in a cornbread contest with a green chilevariation that we threw together in less time than the reccomended cook time on the jiffy box (lost all our winnings to forgetfullness). This took place at the hayride in the above picture, of which Whitney and I could barely stand to look at ourselves in the mirror. Borrowed the entire gettup and confirmed our city slickerness by literally having to ask which way the cowboy hats faced.

Life is beautiful, so are you. From us to you for life we say these things out loud with our voices.