Saturday, July 9, 2011

Apt. 819 - Your Update on All Things Barrett

Because we love all of you, miss most of you, and wish to stay in better contact with the vast sentient populace of those we know, Apt. 819 cometh down the pipeline. Married life is the bomb! All right talk to you all later... has been the majority of our interaction with many of you. I hear that this is natural, a newly married couple is supposed to fall off the earth for the first year of marriage. I understand that better now. A new life, filled with new priorities, has a way of swallowing two people up. This blog will hopefully answer questions about how we're keeping ourselves busy these days and hopefully madly entertain you (while also giving me a creative outlet). Thanks for reading, and in regards to how we're doing...

We're happier than an egyptian in a sea of hummus.


  1. I'm glad you both are doing this! I highly anticipate future posts! Your sister, Laura

  2. Mmmmmm! Hummus!!!!! Also, this is fantastic. And I love the background you both chose! Not surprising at all really, since you both have impeccable taste. Perhaps in a future post you'll share those super secret recipes for the Jamba Juice that you keep boasting of ;)

  3. Ditto on the sweet background. You always entertain me, Ry, so I applaud this effort.

  4. That didn't put my name, but you know it was me. ^_^
