Thursday, June 7, 2012

A jobless bum and a ukulele

I do these to write. More for me than anything else. How I love to write. How I loath it. It’s really kind of a love-loath relationship. Well, what’s the news what’s the news. Alrighty. Whitney has a ukulele, she masters it even as I write. Currently she is working on “Somewhere Over the Rainbow/What a Wonderful World”, we plan on singing a special in church “Sweet Hour of Prayer”.
                As of two weeks ago Tuesday I am a jobless bum. God is taking me through quite a waiting challenge to my sanity period. I really believe that the hardest part has been coping with being left to myself. God once again put his finger upon a choice rough area of my life; planning self-sufficient frenzy. Even though I have not had a regular job for two whole work weeks I still manage to stress myself out over scheduling what needs to be done. God is good and patient with me. The fruit of the Spirit peace was preached on Wednesday night at church, great reality check for me. Thankfully I can pick up a few security shifts at Heartland till I come into my fortune.
                I’m reading an extremely convicting and challenging book entitled, Loving God with All Your Mind, I highly recommend it and Lord-willing it will be integrated into our daily living. We will be “retiring” from bus captainship of Bus 4a at the end of the summer and are praying about another ministry opportunity. I’ll be signing my first song at church sometime this summer and have reason to be more nervous than I am.
                A while back we bought a couple of disc golf discs and then were given some more by friends moving away. I must confess that I have not been so into a sport since volleyball in high-school. Great fun and exercise with the added perk of having a course within walking distance (a vital weapon in my battle against going stir crazy). In other exercise news, we are in training for a 5k. Whitney despises running but adores programs and found a couch to 5k online. Tomorrow we run 15 minutes straight, neither of us looks forward to it.
                Before budget stream-lining and since last updating the blog we’ve discovered numerous crazy good local OKC restaurants. We have been unofficially dubbed the “good food people” in class. I baked my first from scratch cookies last week; twas a great test of my faith. Anything that cannot be tasted in the cooking process, altered along the way, and generally adlibbed is not my kitchen specialty. And despite my horrific ruination of the easy bake cookies i last attempted, these tasted edible... okay they were actually good.
                So there you have our life as of late. We miss you all and have a special place in our hearts for each of you, one that is not correlated with our amount of keeping in touch. Our feelings for you are not as mild as the summer so far has been (keep your fingers crossed okies). Goodbye for now. 

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